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HOBO - 4-20 mA Input Cable

For connecting a sensor with a 4-20mA output to a HOBO U12, UX120, or ZW series external-channel data logger.
Part Number: CABLE-4-20MA
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$86.00 ex GST
i h

For use with U and Z series Data Loggers

Cable, 18.5 inches in length, for connecting a sensor with a 4-20mA output to a HOBO U12, UX120, MX1100, or ZW series external-channel data logger, to expand the range of measurement options and applications.


  • 18.5 inches in length
  • Can be plugged directly into the external input jacks of U12 Family loggers to expand the range of measurement options and applications.

Technical Information

Measurement range 0 to 20.1 mA
Accuracy with U12 ±0.02 mA ±2.5% of absolute current
Accuracy with ZW ±0.015 mA ±2.0% of absolute current
Accuracy with UX120-006M,
MX1104, and MX1105
±0.001 mA ±0.2.% of absolute current
Resolution with U12 and ZW 0.03% of full scale
Resolution with UX120-
006M, MX1104, and MX1105
0.002% of full scale
Cable length 47 cm (18.5 inches)

This cable measures currents from 0 to 20.1 mA and must be connected so that the current flows through, and with the proper polarity, as shown below. Do not expose to current above 20 mA or negative current. Do not cut off the end of the gray cable where it connects to the blue and yellow wires as that contains the precision resistor required for current measurements.

For use with U and Z series Data Loggers

Cable, 18.5 inches in length, for connecting a sensor with a 4-20mA output to a HOBO U12, UX120, MX1100, or ZW series external-channel data logger, to expand the range of measurement options and applications.


  • 18.5 inches in length
  • Can be plugged directly into the external input jacks of U12 Family loggers to expand the range of measurement options and applications.

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