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Agriculture Solutions

Make smarter crop-management decisions with multi-point environmental field sensor systems. 

Through research applications, the industry has made significant strides in addressing many of today’s agriculture challenges, including developing more sustainably focused techniques and efficient growing methods.

Onset monitoring tools and sensors offer access to a range of soil and environmental data, providing agriculture operations with accurate and reliable information for making smarter crop-management decisions.


You know what to do when it comes to farming… let HOBO monitoring products help you know when to do it!

To maximize efficiency and stay competitive, you need a crop monitoring solution that lets you…

  • Increase productivity
  • Cultivate higher-yield, higher-quality crops
  • Lower your costs

Do it all with Onset’s HOBO monitoring products, including systems that give you the freedom to monitor soil, water and wind conditions from home or from anywhere at all, at any time!


View Product Range Here > >




Onset is a leader in monitoring solutions for a variety of outdoor applications, including; environmental research, climate monitoring, agricultural research and commercial agriculture.

Explore our range of field monitoring systems, here >>