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Water Level & Flow

HOBO offers a wide range of water level data logger options to suit your needs, and with the introduction of the MicroRX station we can now offer even more water level and flow monitoring solutions for stormwater, floodwater, irrigation, hydrologic, and environmental applications. Our HOBO range can record Temperature, Water Level and Barometric Pressure, and now with the MicroRX our pre-programmed Water Flow Formulas and Stage Discharge Table allow you to easily monitor select Weirs and Flumes, as well Absolute Pressure, Differential Pressure, and the effects of Accumulated Rainfall. Let us help you spend less time on complicated manual configuration, and more time focusing on your water level and flow results.

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HOBO MicroRX Water Level / Flow Kit

The HOBO MicroRX Water Level Station is a cellular, web-enabled water level monitoring solution for stormwater, floodwater, irrigation, hydrologic, and environmental applications
$0.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Water Flow Meters Kit

The new HOBO Remote Flow Meter Monitoring Station is an easy to deploy, low-cost cellular solution, allowing you to reliably monitor and alarm your remote water flow meter.
$0.00 (ex gst)

HOBO MX2001 - Water Level Bluetooth Data Logger

The HOBO® MX2001 is the industry’s first water level data logger designed for convenient wireless setup and download from mobile devices via Bluetooth Low Energy.
$0.00 (ex gst)

HOBO U20L - Low Cost Water Level Data Logger

The HOBO U20L Series is the industry’s lowest-cost family of loggers for monitoring water level and temperature in both fresh and saltwater, in depths up to 30 Meters.
from $871.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - RX3000 Water Level Sensor Module

​The RX3000 Water Level Sensor Module offers users the ability to monitor water level, pressure, and temperature, as well as barometric pressure, with the HOBO RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station.
$295.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Water Level Logger Deluxe Kit 30 Metre (100’)

Combining high accuracy water level measurements with out-of-the-box convenience, this money-saving kit includes everything needed to start logging right away. It is ideal for monitoring water levels and temperatures in wells, streams, lakes and freshwater wetlands, as well as barometric pressure.
$3,620.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Water Level Logger Deluxe Kit 4 Metre (13’)

Combining high accuracy water level measurements with out-of-the-box convenience, this money-saving kit includes everything needed to start logging right away. It is ideal for monitoring water levels and temperatures in wells, streams, lakes and freshwater wetlands, as well as barometric pressure.
$3,620.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Water Level Logger Deluxe Kit 9 Metre (30’)

Combining high accuracy water level measurements with out-of-the-box convenience, this money-saving kit includes everything needed to start logging right away. It is ideal for monitoring water levels and temperatures in wells, streams, lakes and freshwater wetlands, as well as barometric pressure.
$3,620.00 (ex gst)

HOBO® U20 Series Water Level Loggers

The HOBO Water Level data logger features high accuracy at a great price and ease-of-use, with no cumbersome vent tubes or desiccants to maintain. This data logger is ideal for recording water levels and temperatures in shallow wells, streams, lakes and freshwater wetlands. For saltwater deployments, such as brackish wetlands and tidal areas, see HOBO U20 Water Level Titanium.
from $1,390.00 (ex gst)