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HOBO Smart Sensors

Plug-&-Play Smart sensors are suitable for the Multi-Channel HOBO Loggers and Weather Stations which accept Smart sensors, RX and H21 Series. 

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HOBO 12-Bit Temperature Smart Sensors

The 12-bit Temperature Smart Sensor. Reliable service is assured by a stainless steel sensor tip and robust cable rated for immersion in water up to 50° C for up to 1 year.
from $236.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - 12-bit Temperature/RH Smart Sensors

The temperature/RH smart sensor is designed to work with smart sensor-compatible HOBO® data loggers and stations. All sensor parameters are stored inside the smart sensor, which automatically communicates configuration information to the logger without any programming, calibration or extensive user setup.
from $450.00 (ex gst)

HOBO 10HS Soil Moisture Smart Sensor - Large area of influence

Measure soil moisture over a large volume of soil with the affordably-priced 10HS Soil Moisture Smart Sensor. This sensor integrates the field-proven 10HS Sensor and a 12-bit A/D. The 10cm probes measure soil moisture over a larger volume of soil which helps to average out any soil variability.
$569.00 (ex gst)

Davis - Wind Speed and Direction Smart Sensor

A Low cost Wind Speed and Direction for HOBO Smart Sensor Data Loggers
$1,054.00 (ex gst)

Davis - 0.2 mm Rain Gauge Smart Sensor

A Low cost Rain Gauge for HOBO Smart Sensor Data Loggers.
$769.00 (ex gst)

HOBO EC-5 - Soil Moisture Smart Sensor - Small area of influence

Measure soil water content with the affordably-priced EC-5 Soil Moisture Smart Sensor; this sensor integrates the field-proven ECH2O™ Sensor and a 12-bit A/D. The sensor’s two-tine design makes the sensor easy to install. Readings are provided directly in volumetric water content.
$569.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Barometric Pressure Smart Sensor

A weatherproof smart sensor with a measurement range of 660 mb to 1070 mb; compatible with the HOBO Remote Monitoring System and HOBO Micro Station.
$641.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Leaf Wetness Smart Sensor

Provides accurate leaf wetness data in a number of growing and research applications; ready to use, requires no painting or coating.
$386.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Photosynthetic Light (PAR) Smart Sensor

The Photosynthetic Light (PAR) Smart Sensor is intended to measure light intensity for the frequencies relevant for photosynthesis. This sensor has a measurement range of 0 to 2500 umol/m2/sec over wavelengths from 400 to 700 nm.
$598.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Rainfall Smart Sensor 0.2mm (2m cable)

This Rain Gauge Smart Sensor measures rainfall with intensity up to 12.7 cm per hour with a resolution of 20 mm, and 1% accuracy for rainfall rates up to 0.2 mm/hour. The tipping bucket mechanism is mounted on a stainless steel shaft with brass bearings. This model includes a 2m cable.
$1,511.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Ultrasonic Wind Speed and Direction Smart Sensor

The Ultrasonic Wind Speed and Direction Smart Sensor is compact and rugged with no moving parts. Because this sensor is ultrasonic it is able to measure very low wind speeds, down to 0.4 m/s
$3,139.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Wind Direction Smart Sensor

The Wind Direction Smart Sensor is a research-grade plug-and-play sensor for measuring and logging wind data. It provides average wind direction for the measurement interval. This highly-durable wind vane has a drip overhang for anti-icing. Its shielded stainless-steel ball bearings and static-dissipating housing provide a long sensor long life. The sensor calculates a unit vector average of the wind direction, providing data directly in degrees.
$1,226.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Wind Speed and Direction Smart Sensor Set

The Wind Sensor Set includes Onset's research-grade plug-and-play Wind Speed Smart Sensor and the Wind Direction Smart Sensor. This combination provides average wind speed, highest three-second wind gust and average wind direction for the measurement interval. These durable sensors will provide many years of accurate and reliable performance.
$1,997.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Wind Speed Smart Sensor with 3m cable

Measure wind speed from 0 to 76 m/sec (0 to 170 mph). This smart sensor provides data reporting average wind speed and highest 3 second gust for each logging interval.
$854.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Solar Radiation (Silicon Pyranometer) Smart Sensor

Measures light levels; rapid deployment, with no complicated programming or setup required; compatible with H21, H22, and U30 family loggers
$579.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - RX3000 Water Level Sensor Module

​The RX3000 Water Level Sensor Module offers users the ability to monitor water level, pressure, and temperature, as well as barometric pressure, with the HOBO RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station.
$295.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - RX3000 4-channel Analog Module Accessory

An optional analog module with four analog inputs that support excitation power, scaling, and statistics measurements.
$322.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - RX3000 Relay Module Accessory

This optional Relay Module allows for up to three individual relays to be activated or pulsed in response to alarms.
$322.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Contact Closure Pulse Input Adaptors

The Contact Closure Pulse Input Adaptor connects sensors with pulse outputs to loggers with smart-sensor inputs. This smart sensor is compatible with contact closures, such as tipping-bucket rain gauges or reed switches with a maximum input frequency of 2 Hz (2 pulses per second), and a preferred switch-type of normally-open
from $213.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - 12-bit 4-20mA Input Adapter Sensor

The 12-bit 4-20 mA Input Adapter interfaces with any sensor providing a 4-20 mA signal to connect to smart sensor compatible data loggers. This adapter features both a non-switched input and a battery-saving switched input that extends the life of external batteries.
$225.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Electronic Switch Pulse Input Adaptors

The Electronic Switch Pulse Input Adaptor connects sensors with pulse outputs to loggers with smart-sensor inputs. This Smart Sensor is compatible with electronic switch closures such as FET or open-collector outputs, or CMOS-level logic signals with a maximum input frequency of 120 Hz (120 pulses per second).
from $213.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - FlexSmart TRMS Module (2 channels) Sensor

A 15-bit two-channel module that accepts an input range of 5mV to 512mV and is compatible with 333mV FS output sensors.
$268.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - 12-bit Voltage Input Adapter

Interfaces with sensors providing 0-5 VDC signals to act as a Smart Sensor with compatible data loggers.
$234.00 (ex gst)

HOBO HWS Barometric Pressure Sensor

The Barometric Pressure Sensor provides average barometric pressure for each logging interval over the range of 660 mb to 1070 mb (19.47 to 31.55 inHg).
$405.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Smart Sensor Extension Cable

A 2, 5, 10 and 25 metre Smart Sensor male-to-male extender cable, plus a female-to-female adaptor
from $78.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Smart Sensor Consolidator Box Adaptor

Allows users to connect up to six Smart Sensors in a water-resistant enclosure to one sensor extension cable back to HOBO stations with Smart Sensor inputs.
$397.00 (ex gst)

HOBO RX Runtime Smart Sensor 6m

Measures and records the percent ON of any AC-powered device with an AC current switch and time ON (closed) of contact closures over the logging interval; works with HOBO RX monitoring stations.
$204.00 (ex gst)