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HOBO Plug-in Sensors

Plug-in sensors are suitable for the small stand-alone HOBO loggers which accept external sensors, UX and MX Series. 

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HOBO Temperature Sensors for UX120 & U12 Series HOBO Data Loggers

A temperature sensor for use with HOBO UX Series external-channel data loggers, this model measures temperature in air, water, or soil.
from $97.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Temperature Sensor (6' Sensor)

A faster-response version of our TMC6-HD temperature sensor, complete with a plated-copper sensor probe. For use with HOBO U series loggers, UX120-006M loggers, MX1100 external-channel loggers, or ZW series wireless data nodes.
$148.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Stainless Steel Temp Probe (6' cable) Sensor

A food-grade stainless-steel temperature probe with pointed tip for use with HOBO U series loggers, UX120-006M loggers, or ZW series wireless data nodes.
$234.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - 4-20 mA Input Cable

For connecting a sensor with a 4-20mA output to a HOBO U12, UX120, or ZW series external-channel data logger.
$86.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - DC Voltage External Input Cables

Connects 3rd-party sensors with a DC Voltage ouput to a HOBO 12, UX120, MX1100, or ZW series external-channel data logger.
from $43.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Split-core AC Current Sensors

A split-core sensor to record AC amperage; for use with HOBO U12, UX120-006M, MX1100, and ZW series data loggers with external input channels.
from $386.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Type K 6 ft Beaded Thermocouple Sensor

Range: 0 to 480°C. The Type K 6 ft Beaded Thermocouple probe includes 1.8m (6 feet) of insulated 30-AWG wire wound on an integrated spool caddy /sub miniature connector. Color-coded for type K (yellow) thermocouples according to the ANSI standard
$75.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Type T 6 ft Beaded Thermocouple Sensor

Range: -200 to 180°C. A Type T thermocouple probe that includes 1.8m (6') of insulated 30-AWG wire wound on an integrated spool caddy/subminiature connector. Color-coded for type T (blue) thermocouples according to the ANSI standard, this probe is teflon-insulated.
$75.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Type J 6 ft Beaded Thermocouple Sensor

Range: 0 to 250°C. A Type J thermocouple probe that includes 1.8m (6') of insulated 30-AWG wire wound on an integrated spool caddy/subminiature connector. Color-coded for type J (black) thermocouples according to the ANSI standard.
$75.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Self-Describing Air/Water/Soil Temperature Sensor

For use with HOBO MX1104 and MX1105 Multi-Channel Data Loggers, this air/water/soil temperature sensor offers integrated strain relief, so the probe is secured to the logger.
from $101.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Self-Describing 4-20 mA Input Cable Sensor

For use with HOBO MX1104 and MX1105 multi-channel data loggers, this 4-20 mA input cable features Self-Describing technology to automatically communicate configuration information to the logger.
$90.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Self-Describing DC Voltage Input Cable Sensor

For use with HOBO MX1104 and MX1105 multi-channel data loggers, this DC voltage input cable features Self-Describing technology to automatically communicate configuration information to the logger.
from $80.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Self-Describing Pipe Temperature Sensor (6ft)

For use with HOBO MX1104 and MX1105 multi-channel data loggers, this temperature sensor is suitable for pipe mounting, and features Self-Describing technology to automatically communicate configuration information to the logger, without any programming or extensive user setup.
$191.00 (ex gst)

HOBO - Self-Describing Current Transformer Sensor

For use with HOBO MX1104 and MX1105 Multi-Channel data loggers, this split-core AC current transformer offers integrated strain relief, so the probe is secured to the logger.
from $369.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Self-Describing Stainless Steel Temperature Sensor (6ft)

For use with HOBO MX1104 and MX1105 multi-channel data loggers, this food-grade stainless-steel temperature sensor features Self-Describing technology to automatically communicate configuration information to the logger, without any programming or extensive user setup.
$255.00 (ex gst)