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HOBO U24 - Conductivity/Salinity (Fresh Water) Data Logger

Measures and records conductivity and temperature in streams, lakes, and other freshwater sources; recommended for monitoring aquifers for saltwater intrusion and road and agricultural runoff.
Part Number: U24-001
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$2,286.00 ex GST
i h

An accurate and cost-effective fresh water logger

This high-accuracy conductivity data logger is a cost-effective way to collect water quality data. The HOBO U24 measures and records both conductivity and temperatures in streams, lakes, and other freshwater sources. This logger is recommended for monitoring aquifers for saltwater intrusion and road and agricultural runoff. This product's open access to its sensor simplifies cleaning and maintenance. The HOBO U24's non-contact sensor minimizes measurement errors related to drift. In addition, the logger features software-based drift compensation.

  • Non-contact sensor provides long life and less measurement drift
  • Provides easy access to sensor for cleaning and shedding air bubbles
  • HOBOware Pro software enables start/end-point calibration to compensate for any fouling and provides easy conversion to specific conductance and salinity
  • USB optical interface provides high-speed, reliable data offload in wet environments
  • Compatible with the HOBO Waterproof Shuttle for easy and reliable data retrieval and transport

The HOBO U24 Conductivity data logger features a non-contact sensor with a Titanium Pentoxide coating. This coating prevents the sensor from coming in contact with the water, which in turn prevents tarnishing or corrosion associated with traditional electrode sensors. This sensor coating is also inert, enabling fouling to be easily wiped off the sensor. 

Important Information

Requires HOBOware Pro software and either a U-DTW-1 Waterproof Shuttle or the Base-U-4 Optic USB Base Station for configuration and data offload. Please see Related Products below.

HOBO Conductivity U24 Data Loggers

Learn how to collect water quality data with this conductivity and temperature data logger. The HOBO Conductivity U24 Data Loggers is specially coded to provide a non-contact sensor. The electrodes are never in direct contact with water so they do not corrode. In addition, this logger sheds air bubbles for better accuracy measurements. This product also comes with durable housing, providing many years of use in freshwater or saltwater. Moreover, the battery lasts up to three years. Optical communications make it possible for researchers to offload data even when the logger is wet.

Technical Information

Measurements Actual Conductivity, Temperature, Specific Conductance at 25°C
Conductivity Calibrated
Measurement Ranges
Low Range: 0 to 1,000 μS/cm
Full Range: 0 to 10,000 μS/cm
Conductivity Calibrated
Range - Temperature Range
5° to 35°C (41° to 95°F)
Conductivity Extended
Low Range: 0 to 2,500 μS/cm
Full Range: 0 to 15,000 μS/cm
Temperature Measurement
-2° to 36°C (28° to 97°F)
Specific Conductance
Accuracy (in Calibrated
Low Range: 3% of reading, or 5 μS/cm, and
Full Range: 3% of reading, or 20 μS/cm, whichever is greater,
using Conductivity Data Assistant and calibration measurements
Conductivity Resolution 1 μS/cm
Temperature Accuracy 0.1°C (0.2°F) at 25°C (77°F)
Temperature Resolution 0.01°C (0.02°F)
Conductivity Drift Less than 3% sensor drift per year, exclusive of drift from fouling
Response Time 1 second to 90% of change (in water)
Operating Range -2° to 36°C (28° to 97°F) - non-freezing
Memory 18,500 temperature and conductivity measurements when using
one conductivity range; 11,500 sets of measurements when using
both conductivity ranges (64 KB total memory)
Sample Rate 1 second to 18 hrs, fixed or multiple-rate sampling with up to 8
user-defined sampling intervals
Clock Accuracy ±1 minute per month
Battery 3.6 Volt lithium battery
Battery Life 3 years (at 1 minute logging)
Maximum Depth 70 m (225 ft)
Weight 193 g (6.82 oz), buoyancy in freshwater: -59.8 g (-2.11 oz)
Size 3.18 cm diameter x 16.5 cm, with 6.3 mm mounting hole (1.25 in.
diameter x 6.5 in., 0.25 in. hole)
Wetted Housing materials Delrin®, epoxy, stainless steel retaining ring, polypropylene, Buna
rubber O-ring, titanium pentoxide (inert coating over sensor)
Environmental Rating IP68
CE The CE Marking identifies this product as complying with all
relevant directives in the European Union (EU).

An accurate and cost-effective fresh water logger

This high-accuracy conductivity data logger is a cost-effective way to collect water quality data. The HOBO U24 measures and records both conductivity and temperatures in streams, lakes, and other freshwater sources. This logger is recommended for monitoring aquifers for saltwater intrusion and road and agricultural runoff. This product's open access to its sensor simplifies cleaning and maintenance. The HOBO U24's non-contact sensor minimizes measurement errors related to drift. In addition, the logger features software-based drift compensation.

  • Non-contact sensor provides long life and less measurement drift
  • Provides easy access to sensor for cleaning and shedding air bubbles
  • HOBOware Pro software enables start/end-point calibration to compensate for any fouling and provides easy conversion to specific conductance and salinity
  • USB optical interface provides high-speed, reliable data offload in wet environments
  • Compatible with the HOBO Waterproof Shuttle for easy and reliable data retrieval and transport

The HOBO U24 Conductivity data logger features a non-contact sensor with a Titanium Pentoxide coating. This coating prevents the sensor from coming in contact with the water, which in turn prevents tarnishing or corrosion associated with traditional electrode sensors. This sensor coating is also inert, enabling fouling to be easily wiped off the sensor. 

Important Information

Requires HOBOware Pro software and either a U-DTW-1 Waterproof Shuttle or the Base-U-4 Optic USB Base Station for configuration and data offload. Please see Related Products below.

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