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Water Quality Kit

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Monitor water temperature, pH levels, dissolved oxygen, ORP or conductivity with ease!
Part Number: Water Monitoring Kit
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Are you looking for a way to monitor your water quality?

The Water Quality Monitoring Kit is a comprehensive, all-in-one solution for monitoring water quality.

Just select up to 4 of the pHionics sensors, connect them to the RX3000 data logger, and you're good to go! View your data 24/7 from any device with our cloud technology to keep an eye on your waters temperature, pH levels, dissolved oxygen, ORP or conductivity with ease!

PLEASE NOTE: Max 8 analogue inputs structure in 2 x 4 input RXMOD modules. Each paramater including temperature counts as 1 x input.

pHionics Water Quality Sensors

The pHionics STs Series simplifies your water quality measurements with durable, noise-resistant and easy-to-use sensor/transmitters for temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxyden or ORP (redox)

pHionics pH Sensor

The pHionics STs Series™ pH sensor provides accurate pH and temperature measurements to a datalogger or RTU for continuous water quality monitoring. A large, double junction reference cell provides accurate, stable pH measurements for long periods of time. In addition, isolation, differential amplification, and shielding eliminate background noise without draining the battery of the datalogger or RTU.

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pHionics STs DO (Dissolved Oxygen) Sensor

The pHionics STs Series™ Dissolved Oxygen sensor accurately measures dissolved oxygen (0-20 mg/L or percent saturation) and temperature (0-50°C) over long periods of time with little maintenance required. It outputs two noise-resistant 4-20 mA signals compatible with most dataloggers or remote telemetry units. A narrow diameter allows the STs Series to go where other sensors cannot while a durable, chemical-resistant housing ensures many years in-use. The electrode tip (anode) has a large surface area that improves oxygen exchange consistency across the membrane while reducing the frequency of fouling.

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pHionics STs ORP (Redox) Sensor 

The pHionics STs Series™ ORP sensor provides reliable ORP (redox) and temperature measurements to a datalogger, RTU, PLC, or SCADA system for continuous water quality monitoring. Accurate and low-maintenance operation is ensured with noise-resistant 4-20 mA analog signals and a large-volume, double-junction electrode. Typical electrode life is 2-4 years and, when needed, a replacement is easily installed thanks to pHionics’ patented pHiConn™ Connector System. In addition, the electronics are isolated to prevent ground loops and proprietary signal conditioning virtually eliminates background noise. Durability is guaranteed with chemical-resistant 316 Stainless Steel (titanium optional) and high-quality double O-ring seals that last many years, even in harsh conditions. 

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pHionics STs Conductivity Sensor

The pHionics STs Series™ Conductivity is a water quality sensor designed to pair with a datalogger or RTU for real-time data capture. A narrow diameter allows the STs Series to go places others can’t while the chemical-resistant housing ensures the sensor can stay there for many years. Proprietary electrode technology provides stable measurements to reduce calibration frequency.

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HOBO 4G RX3000 Rugged Data Logging System

The HOBO RX3000, Onset’s most flexible remote data logging station, provides instant access to site-specific environmental data anywhere, anytime via the internet. The station combines the versatility and sensor quality of more expensive systems, an onboard LCD display, and the convenience of plug-and-play operation. The RX3000 is a configurable system.

Highlighted Features

  • Flexible support for a broad range of sensors
  • LCD display for easy field deployment
  • Cloud-based data access through HOBOlink
    • Get 24/7 web access to your data via web browser
    • Verify RX3000 system status remotely
    • Set up and manage alarm notifications over the web
    • Schedule automated delivery of data
  • Plug-and-play operation
  • Alarm notifications via text, email
  • Rugged double-weatherproof enclosure
  • Cellular, Wi-Fi, and Ethernet options are available
  • Configurable from your mobile device

Deployment Friendly: On-board LCD display helps you confirm system operation, sensor connections, cellular signal strength and other parameters before leaving the deployment site.

Field-Proven: The HOBO RX3000 features a double-weatherproof enclosure designed for long-term use – even in harsh environments. Critical electronics are sealed in a secondary enclosure, and weathertight sensor ports keep moisture out.

Optional Measurements

Optional measurements can be added to your kit for:

  • Temperature,
  • Relative Humidity,
  • Air Velocity,
  • Rainfall, 
  • Wind
  • and more

View more of the optional smart sensors here >>

Solar Panels

15 Watt Solar Panel

This solar panel is ideal for very cloudy locations, higher latitudes, and/or when connecting analog sensors with high excitation power requirements.

Technical Information

Power 15 Watts
Operating Temperature Range -40° to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)
Materials Polycrystalline silicon solar cell; aluminum frame and mounts; zinc-coated steel bolts, nuts, washers, and U-bolts
Dimensions 428 x 357 x 30 mm (16.85 x 14.06 x 1.18 in)
Weight 2.2 kg (4.85 lb)
Cable Length 2 m (6 ft)
Environmental Rating Weatherproof when mounted properly, not waterproof

pHionics STs Series™ Setup with HOBO RX3000

The HOBO RX3000 is an excellent datalogger to pair with pHionics STs Series water quality sensors and transmitters. We take you step-by-step through the setup process to ensure proper settings for optimal compatibility.

pHiKlip™ Demonstration Video

The patented pHiKlip™ System allows for multiparameter or redundant water quality measurement with up to 4 STs Series sensors. Each sensor is held firmly in place during operation while remaining easy to snap in or out when needed. The video goes over various advantages of this design when compared with traditional integrated multiparameter sondes.

pHionics STs Series™ Initial Setup

In this video, learn what comes with your purchase to start getting value out of pHionics water quality instruments immediately.  Additional information on setup, calibration, and usage tips can be found here.

Choose the Right Sensor for Water Quality Monitoring

Full article available at pHionics

Sensors are the backbone of any water quality monitoring system since they determine accuracy and reliability.  As such, it is best to start with picking the sensor(s) when designing a new system for applications such as pollution control, saltwater ingression studies, aquaculture, process control, etc.

There are many factors to consider when deciding what sensor is right for your application. Obviously, the most important aspects are whether the physical demands of your application are within the limitations of the sensor, but there are many other considerations that come into play. For instance;

Sensor Capabilities

Stability is important to consider because a sensor that requires calibration every week does not work for an application where an operator only visits the site every month.  Some sensors, such as those that measure conductivity, require calibration much less frequently than pH or ORP sensors, simply due to the nature of the sensor. As such, it is important to research electrode design to understand what unique features are beneficial. 

Physical Limitations

The next important considerations to verify that the sensor works for your application are the physical limitations, as outlined above.  Size does matter, at least when installing sensors into pre-existing systems such as wells or boreholes that may prevent the use of sensors larger than a certain diameter.  It also may be cost-prohibitive to use large diameter sensors in new projects such as groundwater monitoring, as drilling a wider hole can exponentially increase costs.

Signal Type

Each type of signal has its pros and cons.  For example, serial communication protocols like SDI-12 and RS-485 allow for multiple sensors to be connected in series, reducing the number of receivers necessary for large numbers of sensors in a small area. In contrast, 4-20 mA sensors require individual I/O ports for each sensor and can only transmit an analog signal that must be scaled by the receiver. Because of these differences, there is no single best signal for all applications, so it is important to understand the pros and cons of each type.


What factors a sensor compensates for, along with the customizability of them, are also important to consider.  For example, conductivity temperature compensation can vary significantly depending on whether a sample is high or low conductivity, typically ranging from 1.8-4% respectively. Using a sensor with variable temperature compensation allows for more precise measurements across a wide range of samples. 

Other features that affect measurement accuracy include isolation and a solution-ground, both of which mitigate background noise.  Due to the sensitivity of water quality sensors, small amounts of electromagnetic interference can lead to inaccurate results.  


Ease-of-use is also important because a sensor is worthless if it is too time-consuming to set up and maintain.  Digital sensors benefit from the ability to store calibration information and perform complex calculations but must have a good user interface to do so while also providing easy installation.  Analog sensors, on the other hand, are generally easier to set up, maintain, and troubleshoot but may not have as many features.

Read the full guide on what to consider when selecting a water quality sensor on pHionics website here >> 

Optional Plug & Play Sensors

Water Level Sensor Module

The RX3000 Water Level Sensor Module (RXMOD-W1) offers users the ability to monitor water level, pressure, and temperature, as well as barometric pressure, with the HOBO RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station. It is configured through HOBOlink, Onset’s cloud-based software. For water level applications, a HOBO RX3000 station, Water Level Sensor Cable, and Water Level Sensor are required.

Learn more >>

Davis Wind Speed and Direction Smart Sensor

Davis Wind Speed/Direction Smart Sensors are compatible with all HOBO weather station loggers and feature a plug-in modular connector for easy installation.

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Rain Gauge Smart Sensor

The Davis® Rain Gauge Smart Sensors features the new AeroCone® design, for better measurement accuracy in high-wind conditions. This gauge is made from UV-stabilized ABS plastic to provide a cost-effective sensor for rainfall measurement, and is plug-and-play compatible with all HOBO weather stations.

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12-bit Temperature/RH Smart Sensors

The Temperature/Relative Humidity Smart Sensor is designed to work with all Onset data loggers that accept smart sensors. All sensor parameters are stored inside the smart sensor, which automatically communicates configuration data information to the logger without any programming, calibration, or extensive user setup.

Learn more>>

Are you looking for a way to monitor your water quality?

The Water Quality Monitoring Kit is a comprehensive, all-in-one solution for monitoring water quality.

Just select up to 4 of the pHionics sensors, connect them to the RX3000 data logger, and you're good to go! View your data 24/7 from any device with our cloud technology to keep an eye on your waters temperature, pH levels, dissolved oxygen, ORP or conductivity with ease!

PLEASE NOTE: Max 8 analogue inputs structure in 2 x 4 input RXMOD modules. Each paramater including temperature counts as 1 x input.